Environmental Degradation: Diri Make Case For Niger Delta Coastal Communities At The UN Summit - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Tuesday, 18 March 2025


Environmental Degradation: Diri Make Case For Niger Delta Coastal Communities At The UN Summit


Governor Douye Diri of Bayelsa state has made spoken against en­vironmental degradation and the impact of climate change on communities in the Niger Delta at the ongoing United Nations Summit at The Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.

The governor advocates sanctions on polluters of the environment and  funds to compensate communities neg­atively affected by climate change in the region.

Diri stated this in his keynote address on the first day of a four-day maiden DeltasUnite Summit of the United Nations Conven­tion on Conserving of River Del­tas (UNCCRD) , he said there was need for joint action by the international community to protect the world’s Deltas due to climate-induced en­vironmental changes.

He disclosed that coastal commu­nities in Bayelsa State and the entire Niger Delta region of Nigeria were increasingly threatened by coastal erosion, oil pollution and environmental degradation.

The Chairman of the UNCCRD Governance Commit­tee, Diri stated that the time to act is now in order to arrest the devastat­ing impacts of climate change and the threats to the world’s Deltas.

“Whereas, there may be diverse factors affecting the wellbeing and sustainabili­ty of the various Deltas across the world, the commonality of our predicament prescribes a joint action. There is no doubt that river Deltas worldwide are under threat. But for us in the Niger Delta and Bayelsa, in par­ticular, this is a dire matter of life and death. Over a half century of oil exploration has left a legacy of pollution that not only scars our environment, destroying our Deltas, but also rob our people of their dignity and well-being.” Governor Diri stated.

The governor lamented that the extent of devastations was grossly under-reported or ignored, he recalled a major oil spill incident on November 1, 2021 in Bayelsa State:

“The oil well was previously operated by Shell and was ac­quired by an indigenous oil firm, AITEO. The spillage of crude and associated gas lasted for over 38 days from two points into the creeks and the Santa Barbara River, which serves more than 50 fishing communities in Nembe.

“It took a long time after my intervention and that of the state government before the spill could be controlled. The reason is not far-fetched. As a state govern­ment, the laws of our country governing our oil resources are so lopsided that we lack the constitutional requirements to address such oil spill.” He stated.

He recalled that in 2018, the Bayelsa state government had set up the Bayelsa State Oil and Environ­mental Commission, which con­ducted a scientific study detailed in its report, ‘An Environmental Genocide: Counting the Envi­ronmental Cost of Oil in Bayelsa State:’

“The report of the commis­sion, which was started by my predecessor and completed by me, lays bare the catastrophic im­pact of oil and gas exploration on our communities and habitats. The findings are deeply concern­ing as it states: ‘The rate of child mortality is skyrocketing, and life expectancy is plummeting; 16,000 infant deaths in 2012 and 97% of affected communities facing food insecurity. Additionally, 40% of our precious mangrove forest has been lost due to these spills, pushing us to the very brink of environmental genocide.’’ He said while not­ing that coastal communities in the state on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean were facing threats from coastal ero­sion, ocean surge and salt-water encroachment from rising high-sea levels.

Some of the commu­nities affected are to Agge, Orobiri, Bilabiri, Amatu, and Aghoro in Ekeremor Local Government Area,  Ezetu, Foropa, Koluama in Southern Ijaw Lo­cal Government Area as well as in Odioama, Okpoama, Akassa, Twon-Brass, Sangana, among others, in Brass Local Govern­ment Area.

“So, we need urgent and col­lective assistance to dredge our water courses and erect shore protection, to address the climate crises and protect our most vul­nerable communities as the very survival of our people now hangs in the balance.” He continued.

He lauded the Unit­ed Nations through its former Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr. Mat­thias Schmale for the assistance to the state during the devastating 2022 floods.

To Diri, the UN approval of the UNCCRD at COP28 in Dubai in 2023 is:

“a wa­tershed opportunity in our fight to halt the unrelenting assault on our Deltas. The danger is clear and present. Today, I urge this assembly to forge a Global Del­tas Action Plan (GDAP) based on three fundamental pillars, which include empowering local com­munities with decision-making initiatives over climate adapta­tion policies affecting their lives, investing in nature-based solu­tions – restoring mangroves, reinforcing riverbanks, and implementing regenerative ag­riculture.” Diri concluded."

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