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ANTP alleges Ogun State Government Of Charging Them N20,000 For Having a Rehearsal Under a Tree

The Association of Nigeria Theatre Arts Practitioners, ANTP has accused Ogun state government of requesting for Twenty Thousands Naira N20,000 Naira from them before they can hold a rehearsal under a tree in premises of June 12 Cultural Centre situated at Kuto, Abeokuta. 

Below is the excerpt of the press release: 

12th March, 2024.




The Association of Nigeria Theatre Arts Practitioners is the foremost indigenous theatre arts association to be founded and registered in Nigeria by the frontline practitioners like Late Chiefs Hubert Ogunde, Duro Ladipo, Apostle Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) Chief Akin. Ogungbe, Chief Jimoh Aliu, Chief Kola Ogunmola, Chief Ojo Ladipo and many others.

In response to a request by the Ogun State Chapter of ANTP for permission to hold rehearsals under a tree at the premises of the June 12 Cultural Centre, the Ogun State Government replied through a letter dated 8th March, 2024 with reference number CUL.046T1/3 which requested ANTP to pay #20,000 per day into the Wema Bank Account of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In other words according to this letter signed by F.J, Osanyinpeju, ANTP is to pay #140,000 for a week or #280 for two weeks etc for rehearsal and not a performance, even under a tree with attendant unpredictable weather.

Holding rehearsals within the confines of a cultural centre, including the National theatre with due permission is a regular occurrence. This will be the first administration even in Ogun State to charge theatre association such a humongous fee which is a clear attempt to rid practitioners of any sense of belonging to a place meant for arts and culture but is now a glorified events centre.

Down memory lane, ANTP members played a significant role in a performance titled SUURU BABA IWA staged in honour of  General Ibrahim Babangida at the then Gateway Hotel, that made him to bequeath a Cultural Centre to Ogun State. 

The action of Prince Dapo Abiodun is contrary to section 6.1.3. of the National Cultural Policy of Nigeria, which states that: "The State should support the associations and clubs through government subvention, grants and other forms or assistance." This new policy will adversely affect the resuscitation of stage productions, which is  already in decline in Ogun State.

ANTP wishes to use this medium to reject this draconian charges and also call on well meaning citizens of Ogun State to prevail on the Ogun State Government to play a positive role in the development and advancement of theatre and film industry and not create obstacles for discovery of talents to the glory of Ogun State. 

Bashir Sanni
ANTP Governor, 
Ogun State Chapter
+234 708 870 5814

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