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Agosasa Communal Clash Takes a New Shift, More People Kidnapped

The ongoing crises that rocked Agosasa, a community under Ipokia Local Government which claimed lives of innocent souls and properties worth millions of naira has taken a new dimension.

Omotoso Omotade, one of the sons of the community has come out with a claim that his father Mr Omolade Adisa Dauda has been kidnapped relating to the fresh crises that began recently.

Mr Omotoso who revealed that the tussle which has claimed lives and properties in Ipokia began in 2022 remain unresolved and instead of the powers that be to take necessary steps to put an end to it rather they are the ones fueling it as those involved are closer to the government and looks untouchable.

Omotoso pointed accusing fingers at some set of people who abinitio has been mentioned in various reports of those behind the Agosasa crises and been given backups by security agents.

Although Mr Omolade Adisa Dauda has been traced to be detained with the Police Station at Idiroko but the reason behind the arrest of his father is not made known to anyone and they have until now not have access to where he is or what steps they can take to hasten his release.

’It's important to emphasize that my father has no involvement in this obaship dispute and has never sought to interfere in it. His sole concern appears to be the theft of KAOLIN from his land and the unlawful activities of some people in Agosasa,Ipokia’’

‘’Presently, my father finds himself in the custody of the Nigerian Police, Idiroko Division, Ipokia Local Government, Ogun State, despite the absence of any criminal transgression on his part. 

‘’The family has diligently pursued avenues for the release of my father, contacting the Idiroko Police Station without success’’

Omotoso Omolade therefore appeal to the Ogun State Government, Inspector General of Police, Civil Society Groups, International Communities, Amnesty International, and Human Rights activists to intervene and compel the Idiroko and Ipokia Divisional Police Officers to release his father who has been unjustly detained.

It could be recalled that these Agosasa crises which started in 2022 led to the death of Amosun Nafiu.

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