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My encounter with someone who hated me. - Abayomi Odunowo.

Six years ago, I had a direct encounter with a man who boldly told me, "I don't like you." In that moment, I was caught off guard, but rather than feeling hurt or upset, I responded with a question of my own. I asked him, "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those that you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother, keep your like. I need God's like, and that's what guarantees my future."

This exchange taught me a valuable lesson about the power of self-worth and resilience. Instead of allowing someone else's opinion to dictate how I felt about myself, I chose to focus on what truly matters - my relationship with a higher power and my own inner strength. By doing so, I was able to maintain a sense of dignity and self-respect, despite the negativity directed towards me.

In the years that have passed since that encounter, I have come to realize that the opinions of others do not define my worth or determine my future. I have learned to prioritize my own values and beliefs, and to seek validation from within rather than from external sources. This experience has helped me to develop a stronger sense of self-assurance and an unwavering confidence in my own abilities. It has also taught me the importance of focusing on what truly matters in life, rather than on the superficial opinions of others.

Joining my CEO friend in an interview panel was never something I had anticipated doing. Yet, on that fateful day, I found myself seated in a room packed with potential candidates, all vying for a position within his company. As we returned from a coffee break to continue the long and hectic interview session, my eyes were drawn to one particular candidate who had just walked in. It was the same guy I had encountered in a different setting and context. The world truly is a small place.

As our eyes met, a sense of recognition filled the air. It was a strange feeling, to say the least. The candidate, dressed in a grey jacket, seemed equally surprised to see me. His nervous energy was palpable, and it was evident that he was struggling to maintain his composure. Throughout the interview, he stumbled over his words and even mistook his date of birth for his last date of employment. It was clear that he was not performing at his best, and I couldn't help but feel for him.

I made a conscious decision to save my questions for last, allowing the other panel members to have their turn with the candidate. When it finally came time for me to interview him, I chose to take a different approach. I started by acknowledging his discomfort and gently probed into the source of his unease. I could see the relief in his eyes as he admitted to feeling out of sorts.

Without skipping a beat, I proceeded to address the elephant in the room. I reminded him of our previous encounter and assured him that I harbored no ill feelings towards him. In fact, I expressed my genuine liking for him and my belief in his potential. This seemed to catch him off guard, and I could see the tension slowly melting away from his face.

I then did something out of the ordinary. I stood up and gestured for him to come closer. As he hesitantly approached me, I enveloped him in a warm embrace. The act was unconventional, to say the least, and the rest of the panel looked on in bewilderment. It was as though we had momentarily transformed the interview into a scene from a Hollywood movie.

The effect, however, was remarkable. The candidate seemed to gain a newfound sense of confidence, and the rest of the panel members began to warm up to him as well. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and what had once been a tense and formal interview took on a more relaxed and conversational tone.

In the end, the candidate exceeded our expectations and was offered the job. It was a testament to the power of human connection and understanding. Sometimes, a simple act of empathy and kindness can make all the difference in someone's life.

In conclusion, my experience joining my CEO friend in that interview panel taught me a valuable lesson. It reminded me of the importance of seeing people for who they are beyond the surface, of showing compassion and empathy even in a professional setting, and of the impact that genuine human connection can have. In the end, it was not just the candidate who had gained something from the experience - I, too, had been enriched by the encounter.

Lessons learnt

In life, we often encounter situations where we are faced with the vulnerability of others. Whether it's a friend going through a tough time, a colleague struggling with a personal issue, or a stranger who seems down on their luck, how we treat these individuals can have a lasting impact not only on them but also on ourselves. It's important to remember that the way we interact with others, especially when they are vulnerable, can greatly influence our own future and the opportunities that come our way.

When we encounter someone who appears to be in a vulnerable state, it is crucial to approach them with kindness, compassion, and understanding. This is not only the right thing to do, but it can also have long-term benefits for us. The way we treat others, especially when they are vulnerable, can impact our own future. We never know when the person we are interacting with could be the key to our next opportunity, promotion, or success. By showing empathy and kindness, we not only help others in their time of need but also set ourselves up for future success.

It is also important to acknowledge our own biases and prejudices when we encounter people we don't particularly like. It's easy to blame others for our feelings of dislike or resentment, but in reality, these feelings are a reflection of our own shortcomings. Instead of directing negative energy towards others, it's important to work on ourselves and find the good in people. By reinventing our mindset and learning to see everyone as likeable, we can create a more positive and inclusive environment for ourselves and those around us.

Another important lesson to remember is to guard our words and actions, especially when negative feelings arise within us. It's easy to let our emotions get the best of us and spew hatred vocally, but we never know how those words may be received and used against us in the future. What we say in the heat of the moment can come back to haunt us when we find ourselves in a vulnerable state and need the support of others. It's crucial to practice restraint and mindfulness, even when negative emotions arise within us.

Forgiveness is also a crucial lesson to practice in our daily lives. It's easy to hold onto grudges and resentment, especially when others have treated us poorly. However, holding onto these negative feelings only hinders our own growth and success. Learning to forgive and overlook the dislike and hatred that others may harbor towards us is important for our own well-being. By letting go of these negative emotions, we can open ourselves up to opportunities and blessings that may have been previously blocked by our own unforgiveness.

By sharing these lessons with others, we can help those who may be carrying the burden of unforgiveness and resentment. It's important to remind others that holding onto these negative feelings can inhibit their own progress and hinder the blessings that are meant to flow their way. By practicing kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and mindfulness in our interactions with others, we can create a more positive and supportive environment for ourselves and those around us. In doing so, we set ourselves up for future success and opportunities, as well as cultivate a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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