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Ife People Unites As Rotimi Makinde’s daughter Zinab Marries Her Sweethearts Adams.

All roads lead to the HighPoint Event Center at Agidingbi Lagos. The distance between Lagos and Ile Ife was not an issue for the hundreds of guests that graced the special day. The wedding certainly will stand the text if time as one of the biggest event of 2024 for Ife elites from different walks of life who honoured the invitation and attended the wedding. Many people travelled from the ancient city of Ile Ife to witness what has been described as one good start and  the ‘highlight of 2024.’ 

Ife monarchs, led by HRH Oba Idowu Adediwura the Obalufe of Ife, HRH M Muraina Adedinni the Asọya of Isọya Ile Ifẹ and many more monarchs whose heads were adored by adorable beaded crowns were at the wedding. Many Ife high chiefs were also present. Together with Ife elites, Ife elders as well as Ife youths turned out to honour their former representative at the green chamber. 
Party differences were put aside for the special day. It was a show of unity for Ife politicians as they all came together to celebrate with one of their leader. Hon Tajudeen Lawal the current APC Osun State party chairman,  Sen Jide Omoworare, Hon Segun Fanibe, Prince Dotun Ajilesoro, Hon Benjamin Adereti, and many more elite politicians actually ‘wine and dined’  together like brothers there are as they danced and took pictures . It was a ‘jaw-dropping experience’ for others as Ife politicians from different parties held hands, danced together, took pictures and embraced each to the admiration of those present.It was so evident that many see Rotimi Makinde as a rallying  point to be watch for future reference as the ancient town shop for more.

"Zinab and Adams had united our families with love " so said by one of the Baale who came in numbers with Obalufe of Ife. At the same time, Ife political elites had shown that nothing can divide the community, the bond between Ile Ife is certainly thicker than water. "We are all united, we are all brothers and sisters" as said by Hon Ayodele Fanibe a notable grassroots politician whose tentacles cut across party lines.Fanibe described Makinde as a liberal politician like him who sees Ile Ife first in all his doings.
 Another point of reference of the day was the presence of Ambassador Suraj Ajilesoro who can be seen moving from table to table with Benjamin Adereti,a great sign that all shall be well within the ranks and files of the community's illustrious sons and daughters. Certainly it can only get better as those who were not privileged to be there must be worried by now.

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