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Leading Financial Platform, AAS Bounces Back Stronger, Better With Global Coin

Leading investment platform, Afriq Arbitrage System, (AAS) has bounced back stronger and better. This is not unconnected to the fact that the CEO of AAS, Jesame Micheal has proven that he is a barrier breaker and line crosser with the launch of a global coin for investors. 

The beauty of the global coin known as the AAS token is its universal usage. With the launch of global coin, partners or investors can trade, invest, buy, and sell products. The launch of this AAS merchandise marketplace enables users to buy and sell products using AAS tokens. The aim is that investors can now use it to make payments and transactions using AAS tokens. AAS coin can be used in purchasing iPhones, iPad and laptop in AAS App Store, Air ticket, Transport ,AAS codding/programming school ,AAS tracking system ,AAS Estate.

For instance, some airline purchases can be made via this coin, and in any of the AAS outlets you can make purchases like gadgets, and stuff amongst others. The value of the global coin is immeasurable as it's higher than most cryptocurrencies when fully implemented.

Also, the doggedness of Jesame Micheal to prove critics wrong that AAS was not a scam has paid off as Abayomi has officially admitted to the crime and settled for an out-of-court bargain. Abayomi through his lawyer has signed the put of court settlement by releasing all properties he purchased with the proceeds of AAS money to the organization.  

It would be recalled that Abayomi Segun Oluwasesan, who was employed by his boss on the 15th of June, 2022 to work as a web developer, literally tempered with the platform at a time when his boss, Jesam Micheal went for a liver transplant and entrusted the codes to him.

Overwhelmed by greed, Abayomi who was entrusted with the sensitive data for the smooth operations of the company, engaged the services of his cohorts, disrupting the smooth operations of the platform and stealing hard-earned investors’ money running into several billions.

Checks revealed that AAS is a global phenomenon with over 500,000 investors from over 132  countries. Thinking his employer, Jesam Micheal would not survive the operation, he withdrew several millions of dollars and became an instant rich dude with an astonishing flamboyant lifestyle overnight. His first criminal act was obtaining a Ghania passport which he used in acquiring other international residences and properties. He became the owner of a car dealership known as FIDORAY Autos and imported over 30 exotic wonders on wheels. He acquired Tanzanian and Dubai citizenship. Aside from that, he bought state-of-the-art properties in the UK, Dubai, Tanzania, and Nigeria.

One of the plazas he acquired in Lagos was to the tune of N450m, landed properties around Dangote refineries to the tune of N1b, and splashed a billion naira on the interior decoration of the Mesh 3-star hotel in Mainland, Lagos State.
A nobody Abayomi was travelling across the globe with investors’ money on first-class tickets. His dubious activities literally crashed the lucrative platform on the 15th of May, 2023.

Amidst the misconceptions,  Jesame  Micheal while addressing journalists cleared the air on the issues. He denied the fact that the block chain was hacked.

“There are a few things I need to clear. There are rumours and false information out there that the AAS block chain was hacked. That’s not true. You can’t hack a block chain. He came up with the lie and I told him it’s not possible because you can’t hack a block chain system. He only had access to it because the code was given to him. So he had permission, my face ID, thumbprint, and other details I gave to him because I was so sick to the point of death and my survival was 50/50. So it’s a lie by him that the AAS block chain was hacked. That was the initial lie he came up with until  I confronted him with the truth and when confronted by Interpol he confessed.. Out of his wickedness, He tempered with the boot. Remember we have three components that contain AAS. He only tempered with the boot and can’t access the block chain.

Now, after the whole saga, AAS has bounced  back with good news for investors with the global coin as a new innovation that will guarantee their future and has made AAA the leading investment platform globally with services such as 

AAS Block Chain 



  1. Bigger better and stronger 💪

  2. Jesam Micheal is a man of his words. I belief AAS token is a goal.

