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UNIJOS undergraduate commits su*cide, leaves note

A 300 level student of Actuarial Science at the University of Jos, identified as Henry Ehiz, has reportedly committed su*cide, leaving a su*cide note behind.

According to a Facebook user who posted the sad incident on social media, Ehiz's corpse and the su*cide note was discovered on March 2, 2022.
Though the suicide note did not state the reason for taking his life, the deceased wrote:
"Goodbye, I love you all. See you on the other side of the world till we meet to part no more."

The question on the lips of his family, loved ones and colleagues has been what could have driven Ehiz to take his own life.
 undergraduate commits su*cide, leaves note

A 300 level student of Actuarial Science at the University of Jos, identified as Henry Ehiz, has reportedly committed su*cide, leaving a su*cide note behind.

According to a Facebook user who posted the sad incident on social media, Ehiz's corpse and the suicide note was discovered on March 2, 2022.
Though the suicide note did not state the reason for taking his life, the deceased wrote:
"Goodbye, I love you all. See you on the other side of the world till we meet to part no more."

The question on the lips of his family, loved ones and colleagues has been what could have driven Ehiz to take his own life.

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