The parents of a one year old boy, Fabulous Michael Onwudiachi, have cried out to authorities in Abuja to help recover their son who was allegedly stolen on Thursday afternoon in Jikwoyi, an outskirt of the nation’s capital.
The distraught father, Raymond Onwudiachi, a staff of the Ministry of Defence and known by many as “Yankee Mouse” said at about 2pm on Thursday his 9-year old daughter, Favour, and 7-year old son, Famous, had returned from school to their mother’s shop in Jikwoyi and were asked to take their baby brother, Fabulous, to their grand mother’s residence for lunch, a distance of about ten metres.
According to Mr Onwudiachi, that had been the routine for his children each time they returned from school.
He said the children love their grandmother’s culinary expertise and would always request that they be allowed to have lunch at her place after school.
Few minutes after they left, the elderly siblings rushed back to their father who also owns a shop in the area asking why he should send a “friend” to offer them some money and biscuits and take Fabulous from them.
It was at that point that Mr Onwudiachi realized there was trouble and immediately contacted his wife who was shocked by the incident and both rushed to Jikwoyi police station to report the case.
“I cannot say if it is kidnap, abduction, stealing or anything. My son Fabulous is only one year plus, so who did I offend?
“I appeal to those holding my child to please return him and if need be take me instead. I owe no one. I am a peace loving Nigerian”, he said tearfully.
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