Asiwaju Atinuke Bello Highlight Activities, Appreciates Constituents As She Marks Second Year In Office - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Thursday, 10 June 2021


Asiwaju Atinuke Bello Highlight Activities, Appreciates Constituents As She Marks Second Year In Office


ABEOKUTA — The member of house of assembly, Odogbolu state constituency, Asiwaju Atinuke Bello has highlighted her activities as she marked second year in office as legislature.
She thanked his people for their unflinching supports over the years as she promised to continue to move forward with them.



Exactly 730 days ago today, I took the oath of office to represent the people of Odogbolu State Constituency in the Ogun State House of Assembly. I hold this mandate I was entrusted with as sacred and a privilege granted by God through the people, and it is one for which I will forever be grateful. Thank you so much, Odogbolu.








Before I took the Oath of Office as a Member of the Parliament to represent my people, the mandate given by the people to me was challenged at the Tribunal Court. Despite the court processes with its accompanied negative politicking on media and various platforms, we were determined to protect and preserve the people’s choice promised on efficient representation, strong legislation, quality leadership, active participation at plenary, and continuous social and welfare programmes for the people.

Since the victory given by God through the people can never be stolen, on the 21st of September, 2019 the National and State House of Assembly Election Petition Tribunal, sitting in Isabo, Abeokuta the Ogun State capital validated and upheld the people’s victory. I appreciate the leadership and members of my party and the good people of Odogbolu for standing by us always.




For accountability and records for feedback's sake, below is the summary of my activities in the last 365 days (10th June 2019) in the Ogun State House of Assembly.

• Sponsored a resolution on 35% inclusion of women in the government.

• Sponsored a resolution of 10% minimum inclusion of youths and people with disabilities should also be given a favorable percentage.

• Engagement of Youths across the State constituency under the Youth Empowerment Scheme.

• Distribution of thousands of customized 60 note books to students.

• Assisting our admission seekers into various tetiary institutions.

• Distribution of COVID-19 palliatives and materials at different stages within the constituency.

• Distribution of  pairs of school uniforms to both Middle and High schools.

• Distribution of  thousands of customised 60 leafs exercise books to students in Odogbolu Local Government.

• Electrification of the new office of the ministry of Education at Moslem Primary school, Odogbolu.

• Motivation of our school teachers to boost their moral in teaching.

• Aid Electrification of new housing site in Atiba.

• Aid Electrification at Ring Road and Inec Office in Odogbolu. 

• Aid Electrification at Ring Road and Inec Office in Odogbolu. 

• Interpersonal relationship with the constituents and prompt attention to Party elders, Youths, women, handicap and other related categories. 

• Payment of tuition fees and  acceptance fee of Odogbolu Constituent Students into  public tetiary institutions.

• Full Scholarship to Five (5) tetitiary students in Odogbolu State Constituency.

• Donation of chairs and lockers to schools in Odogbolu State Consituency.

• Constant visit and support towards school of peoples with Special needs in Odogbolu State Constituency.

• Facilitated job placement for teeming youths in Odogbolu Local Government such as Lecturing Job and other job placement.

• Empowerment to some selected women in Odogbolu State  Constituency.

• Facilitated the electricity powering of a general hospital in Odogbolu.

• Pulling of support for Ogun Youth Agenda.

• Facilitated pallatives of Odogbolu roads.

• Distribution of free Jamb Forms 

• Payment of Tetiiary students school fees.

• Supported six  WAEC Student with Phones to enhance E - Learning

• Community Development.

• KIDNAPPING: Raised it as a matter of Urgent Public Importance at the floor of the House of Assembly. Notified the government, met with federal and local security officers and community leaders on curbing the menace.

• DISASTER: Notified the Government for immediate action on the wind disaster in Ibefun, Odogbolu Local Government, seeking emergency government relief response for affected people/communities and sensitization of the people/communities on what to do to prevent further disaster.

• PARTY ENGAGEMENT:  Toured all the 15 wards Odogbolu Local Government to appreciate them for their supports during the 2019 General Election.


• Sensitisation of danger of Covid - 19, symptoms and prevention.

• Campaign against Rape.

• Constant engagement with my constituent on  Covid - 19.

• Provision of food Parlialive to ease burden of the pandemic during lockdown 

• Online empowerment of youths.

• Provision of hand sanitizers to my constituents.

• Donation of hand washing machine to market.

As we forge ahead in the coming months and years, I am more determined than ever to continue to serve my people. Such a position as this that I am privileged to occupy is a great opportunity to serve. There are still many challenges ahead in our State and Nation. Unemployment, insecurity, and poverty amongst others are issues we need to fight collectively regardless of our political affiliation, religion, or ethnicity.

I want to deeply appreciate the leaders of my party in Odogbolu Local Government and members of my party. I also appreciate everyone that has ever represented Odogbolu State Constituency in the Ogun State House of Assembly, thank you for your quantum effort in the development of our constituency.

I appreciate my minority colleagues in the House and the leadership of the House ably led by Rt. Honourable Olakunle Oluomo for all the support and encouragement we have enjoined from him in the last one year. I particularly want to appreciate the speaker once again for his commitment towards the advancement of the 9th Assembly and the State through quality legislation and your support for the people-oriented bills I have submitted through you to the Assembly. This you have continually assured will receive the necessary attention. Thank you so much, sir.

My good people of Odogbolu State Constituency, the successful sustainable building of any community will be done by members of the community. We can only develop our communities together. I, therefore, urge us all to let us continue to forge ahead in a renewed vigour in making our constituency better.

I will also be starting an online initiative that seeks to engage an additional means of reaching out to constituents  This is also a platform among other things to drive the #youthsgetinvolved initiative which is a movement to bring and mentor into our political system youths with vision and capacity to make our nation better.

Conclusively, let me reiterate that the development of our State and Nation must be by a collective effort devoid of destructive political influence, ethnical colouration, and religious sentiment. We must, therefore, determine to work together by a drive and singular purpose of developing our State and Nation to make it a better place in the years and decades to come. We can start now. Nigeria will be better.

Thank you so much.

Chief Whip, Ogun State House of Assembly,
Odogbolu State Constituency.
10th June, 2021.

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