Lagos State Environmental and Special Offences (Enforcement) Unit (Task Force), on Tuesday, washed off its hand in the death of a young man at Oshodi earlier in the day “as being falsely reported on the social media.”
Chairman of the agency, CSP Shola Jejeloye, said this in a statement made available to newsmen, stating that the young man was knocked down as he was trying to cross the Oshodi Expressway by a commercial bus driver, who took off recklessly at a high speed, having noticed the presence of a Lagos Task Force vehicle, while illegally loading passengers by the roadside in Oshodi.
“Early this morning, a commercial bus driver was illegally loading passengers by the roadside in Oshodi and, on noticing the presence of a Lagos Task Force vehicle, took off recklessly at a high speed, knocking down the innocent young man who was trying to cross the Oshodi Expressway,” the Task Force boss said.
Jejeloye said commercial drivers had continued to flout the law and put the lives of commuters at risk despite repeated warnings and enlightenment campaigns about the dangers of violating traffic laws, pointing out that this violation of the law led to the death that occurred in Oshodi.
“Despite warnings and enlightenment campaigns about the dangers of violating traffic laws, commercial drivers have continued to flout the law and put the lives of commuters at risk. This violation of the law led to the death that occurred in Oshodi.
The Task Force boss, therefore, on behalf of the state government, commiserated with the family of the deceased young man, vowing that the reckless commercial bus driver would be apprehended and prosecuted in accordance with the law.
Again, Nigeria new weekly COVID-19 infections have witnessed yet another significant increase, Tribune Online analysis shows.
The second wave of the pandemic was officially announced after the infections began to rise in the first week of December…
We’re not involved in death at Oshodi, says Lagos Task Force
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