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 The city of Texas in United States of America and it's environs was a standstill recently at their just concluded program as they experienced great manifestation of God's power in action. The program which was titled "International Gathering of Eagles Conference 2020", It was billed  for 7 Incredible Night of Heaven on Earth. The rising profiles of All Nations Churches continues to rise with testimonies of transformed lives and increasing congregation as the general overseer, Apostle Courage Igene, a renowned pastor with an Apostolic gift of healing, a graceful blessed man of God, experienced lots of unbelievable and unforgettable achievements during the conference which was a momentum as dignitaries, church workers, pastors, leaders and ministers of God from different churches in attendance were all agog.

 Apostle Courage, the host who invited his branch pastors as they all minister emphatically at the conference. Rev Cleveth Samuel from New York opened the floor on the first day of the program speaks on spiritual renovation to build the house of God. It was a night of outpouring experience. Pastor Gideon Guidi taught on practical application of God's glory. Prophetess Beverly Anike was present on the third day  .Bishop Thomas Ridgley came on a special assignment from God to fulfilled God's promises in the lives of participants. Apostle Sean was present with an unusual ministration which was titled Coat of many colours. Other guests ministers of God were also present. While Minister Chisom Orji and Psalmist Shalonda led an electrified praise and worship which left everyone present fired up.

Courage Igene ministered on "The Battle For Glory" he explained that all battles in life is a battle for Glory.

He was excited, elated and fulfilled having seen the miraculous work God has done in the lives of participants during the program. The long anticipated date of All White Glory Service was fulfilled, there was an angelic visitation, Answers to prayers, Healing, and breakthroughs. It was corrosive, impactful and prophetic. Sinners were saved, Backslidders was restored, and the believers received edification.

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