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Akinlade Mourns As Prof George Akinola Ogunpola Dies At 98

I received with shock news of the death of four prominent leaders. This come at a time the nation is leveraging on the experiences and knowledge of our veterans in all aspects of nation building.

Professor George Akinola Ogunpola had been a role model, a father figure and leader whose contributions to the education system of Ogun state and Nigeria in general have continued to serve as reference points in education sector across the length and breadth of the country and beyond. Baba, was diligent, hardworking, knowledgeable and upright. Baba was indeed a complete man.

Chief David Coker, who also served as the state commissioner for Commerce and Industry together with Prof. Ogunpola in the government of Late Chief Olabisi Onabanjo regime between 1979-1983, was very humorous he was loved by young and old because of his kind gestures and words of wisdom.

The death of Professor Oladipo Akinkugbe also came at a time the nation needs his experience in areas of medicine. But one is consoled with the fact that as a great teacher who has impacted his knowledge unto several others, some of his many good works will continue to serve humanity in a more positive ways.

For Senator Adebayo Osinowo (Pepperito), his death is most shocking. A consistent and symbol of loyalty who was a thoroughbred grassroot politician, community leader, humane and humble voice of his constituents.

I'm saddened by their  deaths because this is indeed a great loss for their individual states and Nigeria at large, but as a man of faith, the ultimate lesson of death is that we have all come to this world with nothing and we shall all return with nothing. 
I console with the families, friends and associates and prayed God grant those left behind the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

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