Man Who Earns N15 Million Wants His Fiancee To Quit Her N50M/Annum Job For Marriage - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Man Who Earns N15 Million Wants His Fiancee To Quit Her N50M/Annum Job For Marriage

There is a pretty serious debate that has been going on today on Nigerian social media, it is about an engaged couple and their decision of how and where to settle in after marriage. The man goes by the name of Jide and he feels his fiancee should join him in his base of Port Harcourt where he earns N15 million working for a bank, but the catch his that his wife-to-be earns significantly higher at N50M at a oil firm in Lagos and quitting her job seems to be an issue, what is your take on this situation?

Anita currently works with an Oil servicing firm in Lagos and earns 42million annually, while Jide works with a bank in Port Hatcourt and earns 15million annually.

As they began to discuss marriage, an issue arose.

Jide wants Anita to relocate to Port Harcourt after the wedding and look for a new job.

Anita feels it is wiser for Jide to apply for a transfer with his bank and move to Lagos.

Anita's reasons are:
1. Looking for a new job will be very tough.
2. Her earnings will also be a good support for the family.

Jide's reasons are:
1. A woman is supposed to move in with the man and not the other way round.
2. He is very comfortable with his current branch and would find it difficult to settle down in another state and branch.

What do you think?

There has been an update, read below:


Thank you so much for all the comments and advise.

Anita did read them and came back to me early this morning a little more confused though.

She had a conversation with her mum and her mum had an interesting point of view.

According to her, Jide is the main provider of the family and should not make a decision based on her earnings. In other words, he should not plan with her money in mind. So if he says she should resign and he will take care of them with his salary then so be it, but making a move because his wife has more money is a NO-NO. In truth, if Anita earned less than Jide the counsel would be for her to move and join him which means that the decision for Jide to move is solely because she earns more money.

Her mum also brought up the issue of submission. In her mums words " how will he know that you will be a submissive wife if in this you cannot back down and do what he says". Since I am a career advisor and not a marriage counsellor, we agreed to bring it here again.

What say you?

P.S- Please be kinder with your words so she doesnt fall deeper into a hole. The goal is to help her please

Let us know your thoughts on this

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