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There’s nothing wrong with stealing a good man from a careless and ungrateful woman – Lady says

It is said, that you’ll never appreciate what you have until you lose it. Indeed a perfect example of this adage is witnessed in relationships where a perfectly fine partner is taken for granted and left to feel unloved just because one feels they have pinned the other down.

This, some have pointed contributes to the numerous heartbreaks and divorces and the current trend of multiple cheating in relationships.

One netizen, Carol Zuena, in reacting to this has pointed out that while people like to bash ladies who snatch others boyfriends, it is absolutely okay to snatch a man from an ungrateful and careless woman.

Effectively, she claims that if a lady refuses to acknowledge the value of the man she is with by deed whatsoever, it will not be out of place for another lady to snatch him away.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with stealing a good man from a careless and ungrateful woman 😊

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