Why I Love Working With Dead Bodies- Mortuary Attendant - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Saturday, 8 June 2019

Why I Love Working With Dead Bodies- Mortuary Attendant

There is dignity in labour and a mortuary attendant in Ugandan who takes pride in his work revealed why he loves working with dead bodies.

Basil Enatu, 57said he loves dead bodies simply because they are humble.

Enatu who has been working as a morgue attendant for the past 32 years, says he loves his job although he is faced with many challenges. He said he enjoys working with dead bodies because they are humble, they don’t complain, neither do they cause any trouble.

The father of 10 boys and 2 girls told Ugandan Daily Mirror;

at the time when I used to drink a local brew, people would not want to share a drinking straw or calabash with me. I also noticed a scenario where a vendor had to wash the tube I used for taking the brew using hot water. People do not even want to share a pot or shake hands with me”

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