MERCHANTS OF WAR! NEDC Chairman Tarfa Accuses Nigerian Elites Of Benefiting From Insecurity - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Saturday, 15 June 2019


MERCHANTS OF WAR! NEDC Chairman Tarfa Accuses Nigerian Elites Of Benefiting From Insecurity


Major-General Paul Tarfa (retd) has pointed accussing fingers to the Nigerian elites alleging they are profiteers and merchants of war who benefit immensely from the searing security challenges facing the country.

The Chairman of the North East Development Commission, NEDC, said the time has come for a decisive and concerted solutions to be worked out against the incessant threats to lives and properties in the Northeast and across the nation.

Tarfa who was represented by a Federal Commissioner representing the North East in the Commission, Chief Sabo Kente spoke on Thursday at a roundtable review of the Northeast peace building initiative in Nigeria in Abuja.

The Chairman said “As the stakeholders in the adventure of the development of mankind, we must be courageous if we honestly want to save lives, stabilise the situation, rebuild lives and communities for the future. Then we must courageously interrogate our conscience, re-examine our character and evaluate the integrity of our intentions.


We must be fearless in confronting vested interests who are profiteers and merchants of war, chaos and crisis. “We must re-calibrate our principles to be consistent with the fundamental values that uphold the dignity of humanity.”

According to him, “as stakeholders in national and international development for the advancement of the course of humanity there is need to discourage those who dubiously seek to exploit the vulnerable.

We must be principled toward deconstructing and confronting clandestine atrocious intentions of some development actors who dubiously seek to always exploit the weak and vulnerable for selfish gains.”

The Director-General, IPCR, Prof. Bakut T. Bakut, said among others, “there is therefore need to engage multilateral peace-building efforts to combat radicalisation, ethno-religious tendencies to help the Northeast Development Commission achieve its objectives.”

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