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5 Things You Need To Know Before Dating A Broke Guy

1. Be sure that this is what you want

You don’t have to be materialistic but you need to have a man who has a golden vision. 

Not just a vision but someone who acts on what he actually wants, if you’re the only one who is always focused and achieving your dreams and he is lazy, he will frustrate you.

2. You’ll have a lot of sacrifices to make

You will obviously not get the best things because he won’t have the money to afford it. On the other hand you may find yourself spending more money on him and sacrificing a lot more for him simply because he doesn’t have.

3. He may leave you when he makes it

Yes, many men have done it. You will build him up and be there for him when he has nothing then he will eventually get married to some other woman who was not there for the struggle.

4. People say broke men are better in bed

Because they have so much to prove about themselves. They will always compensate with good sex so that you don’t leave them.

5. He may never get rich

This is just reality, he may never get rich because if he is broke because he lacks ambition, why would he work harder?

True love is good, it is beautiful and honestly we all want that. But having a broke man is something you should think about clearly, for starters, he shouldn’t be using you for your money or what you can give him.


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