Experiencing pain during sex is often due to a bacterial infection or a psychological issue.
If you feel pain whenever you have sex, it can also be because of these 10 reasons:
1. You're Not Lubricated Enough
The vagina may be self-lubricating, but if you haven't warmed up for sex using foreplay, are breastfeeding or close to menopause, then you will experience vaginal dryness.
Going on to have sex when your vag is not dry enough, causes friction between the penis and the vagina. To avoid this stimulate the vagina properly before doing it or if it is due to menopause, you can use hormone therapy and prescription treatment to replenish estrogen.
2. You May Be Allergic To Sex Toys Or Products
Lubricants are made with different chemicals that can throw off the vagina's ph. Even latex condoms can sometimes irritate a woman's vagina.
If you feel irritation after using these products, try to stick to more organic or natural ones.
3. You Have Ingrown Hairs
A bad bikini wax can leave you with unpleasant pimples that hurt when there is friction. Apply a soothing cream on it and wait for the pain to stop, before you continue having sex.
4. You Have A Sexual Dysfunction
Women often in their early teens or twenties, experience a condition known as vaginismus, where the muscles of the pelvic floor involuntarily spasm or tighten during sex and make penetration painful or impossible.
A shooting pain during sex can also be attributed to hyperactive nerve fibers around the vulva A.K.A vulvodynia. Sexual dysfunctions can also be due to trauma or sexual abuse.
5. Wrong Sex Position
If you are doing it in a position you are not comfortable with, you will feel off or in pains.
Find a position you enjoy and relax.
6. You Just Gave Birth
Though your libido comes right back after sex, it will take some time for your body to get used to sex again. Give yourself at least three to six weeks before you go back to it.
This, of course, depends on the individual.
7. You Either Have An STD Or A Pelvic Disease
Get screened for any sexually transmitted diseases, or pelvic disease. Treat yourself properly.
8. Your Partner Might Be Too Big
If your man is too big, then his penis might have a hard time fitting into your vagina. What you need to do is to loosen up by trying simpler sex positions to give yourself time to get used to him.
Or you could also turn yourself on more by foreplay.
9. You Haven't Had Sex In A Long Time
If you haven't done it in a long time, then it will hurt. You are thinking about whether you still know how to do it, you become nervous and your vaginal muscles clench up, making penetration more difficult.
10. It's Your First Time
If it is your first time, getting used to vaginal penetration takes some time and you will feel uncomfortable. To avoid pain try to calm your nerves and enjoy vaginal stimulation before your partner has sex with you.
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