How to change Nigeria number to USA number on WhatsApp - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Tuesday, 16 October 2018

How to change Nigeria number to USA number on WhatsApp

Many people in Nigeria are interested in ways to create working WhatsApp account with a USA number instead of their regular Nigerian ones. Such a switch has a number of advantages that should not be underestimated. This is why we’ll try to figure out several working and simple ways to replace the Nigerian number with a USA one in your WhatsApp account.

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Is it possible to get a USA number in Nigeria?

If you think that it’s some rocket science to get such a number in Nigeria, then no, it’s nothing special. Of course, it’s not what kids are taught at school or by their parents but you will surely don't need any special skills to perform it.

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Well, Having a USA number may be beneficial for those in Nigeria who want to keep in touch with their loved ones in America. If you have a US number on your phone, those in the USA don’t have to pay heavily to call you.

It’s necessary to say that this trick should be used only for legal purposes, not for blackmailing or doing other unpleasant stuff to other people. There are certain situations when not showing your true phone number can help you really save your privacy but the main point is in not using the phone number switch to perform anything that can harm other people.

How to change Nigeria number to USA number

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The steps towards your goal are as follows:

Enter and log on. Here, you need to remember that the registration process will require your real phone number and email account. This is necessary for the verification process

Sign up for an account, this is free for email addresses that end with .com. Then, continue

You will receive a message in your email from the web resource. You will need to pass a regular verification procedure

To complete the verification, you will need to provide the country code and the city you’re in

When you see the box about the terms and conditions, click “I agree” and sign up

The website will offer you a virtual tour around their resource. You can freely skip it and head for the My CallCentric directly. The program will show you your CallCentric number, which begins with 1777***. You need to copy and save that number

Remember that whether you choose going through the virtual tour or skipping it, you should never leave the page before you copy the CallCentric number the system provides for you

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Now, you need to open a new tab in your browser and this time enter

Once there, you will need to set SIP as your account type and then enter the copied CallCentric number into the respective field (Username)

Then, select an area code for the USA phone number you will receive. You can either leave the default one (235) or choose any other one available in the drop-down list

When the system asks you about the hostname, enter

Provide the same data (email and password) that you used for the CallCentric registration

Usually, one minute, they will send you a mail, in which you will receive your USA number

Make sure you don’t delete the mail and keep it at hand because the SIP client may need some customization and configuration

The number you have received is not active yet and you will need one more simple step to make it active. You will need Express Talk downloaded and installed on your computer

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In the process of installation, leave all the default wizard options but make sure you don’t install additional components like toolbars and other stuff that’s assigned to the default installation process

When the program asks you about the SIP, flag click, “I have SIP account” and proceed

Provide the details for SIP installation just like you provided on ipcall

Once the setup is finished, you can close down all the opened browser tabs. Your number is ready.

Now, that you know how to get a US number in Nigeria, it’s time to discover how to settle the things with WhatsApp and have a working account with a new USA phone number.

How to make your WhatsApp work with USA number

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There are several ways to reach this goal. We will provide all of them and it’s up to you to choose which you like best of all or which of them is the most effective for you. Check out all of them and then make your final choice.

#1 through Primo App

Download the Primo App to your computer, open it and install. The application will lead you through the registration process and everything you will need to do is provide the real phone number that you currently have and submit the registration

Verify the number in the application. When the process will be complete, you will see the US phone number provided in the bottom part of the panel. Copy this number and save somewhere

This done, run WhatsApp and set the country code as +1. Then, enter the copied number and click Continue

You will need to wait for a little while and then there will appear a Call Me option provided by WhatsApp. When you see it, click on it. Now, you will receive a call from WhatsApp that will come through the Primo application

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This is required for further verification, so you will need to enter the verification code you receive from them

After you enter the verification code, you will only need to enter your name and DP

#2 through TextPlus

Download the TextPlus application on your computer and install it

Create a new signup account by providing the program with all the necessary data like your name, birthday, email and password

When signed in to your newly-created account, you will see a button that advises to tap it in order to get the TextPlus number

The program will ask you to select a city and code for your new number. Choose whatever you like

After all these procedures, you will see the WhatsApp number on the screen

Copy this number carefully and create a new WhatsApp account using this number. The application will send you a confirmation message, which you will receive through TextPlus

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These are not all the available ways to receive a working WhatsApp with a USA number. However, these two methods are 100% functional and simple enough to perform without any special tools. So, enjoy your new WhatsApp with a true USA number right from Nigeria.

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