Ogun 2019: Paseda Always The People's Choice, Stands Out Among Others - AMEBO NEWSPAPERS NG.


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Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Ogun 2019: Paseda Always The People's Choice, Stands Out Among Others

*So what other things would you do differently so as to stand you out?*

I will courageously say publicly what everybody else in whispering privately. It is not this insight that will set me apart from the crowd, it is my courage to act on what I see, to speak up when everyone else is silent, challenge what needs to change and the price, than remain silent and allow the good people of Ogun State to continue to suffer in silence. I will courageously walk in the dark. The darkness here is the uncertainty that always accompanies change.

The mystery of whether or not a new policy will pan out. The reservation everyone initially feels when a new idea is introduced, the risk of being wrong. Many who lack the courage to forge ahead alone yearn for someone to take the first step, to go first, to show the way. Like my role model, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo did on many socio- economic issues; I will definitely follow his footpath, guided by his thought and his vision.

After all, if the pathway to the future were well lit, it would be crowded. Fear has kept many governors on the sidelines, while good opportunities to do well by our suffering masses passed by. They didn't lack insight, they lacked courage in the right direction. For example, on free education and free health, I may not always be the first to see the needs of good people of Ogun State, but I will be the first to act, moving boldly into the future in spite of uncertainty and risk.

You can't make a good governor without taking risk. You won't take risk without courage. Courage and the fear of God are all I can offer the good people of Ogun State and all I need to be an egalitarian Governor with God in the corridors of our government.

Culled from The Issues.........#ORP4GOV2019

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