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Nurse kills 10-yr-old girl

Mrs Comfort Adeoye, popularly known as Iya  Emman, is a
house hold name in Momudu Street around Iyana-Ipaja and
its environs in Lagos. Reason? She is a nurse by
profession and owns a medicine store, where those who are
sick normally go  for medical attention because her
charges are affordable compared to what obtains in well
established hospitals.
Reports say all was going smoothly for the 35-year-old
mother of two until two weeks ago, when a 10-year-old girl
died in the process of administering medication on her.
The primary five pupil of Alagba Primary School, Agege,
identified as Esther Lawrence,  met her untimely death
after she was injected by Mrs Adeoye.
Esther̢۪s mother , a widow, who resides in the same
compound where Mrs Adeoye̢۪s chemist shop is located,
was said to have called the nurse to administer drugs to her
sick daughter on July 22, 2010. The nurse on examining
her, was said to have confirmed that Esther had malaria and
thereafter, gave her two injections. But rather than alleviate
the situation, it aggravated it, as Esther reportedly started
behaving funny and breathed her last even before she could
be rushed to the hospital
A mother̢۪s lamentation
Narrating her ordeal to the police at Dopemu, the bereaved
mother, Mrs Victoria Lawrence who is still recovering from
the shock of the death of her husband, lamented,  Ã¢€Å“
Where do I start from? Who do I tell my agony? That a child
that promised me she would live to pay me the dividend of
parenthood some day is gone..?
â€Å“Esther came back home from school  on Thursday
hale and hearty until the next day when she complained of
being feverish. I wanted to take her to the general hospital
but a neighbor suggested that I should take her to the
chemist shop in front of our house since that is where
majority of the residents in the area are treating their
Madam Adeoye had listened to what she apparently
assumed to be words of wisdom but little did she know that
her singular obedience to popular voice was going to open
another wound in her heart.
Continuing, the staff of Blue Cross Hospital Ogba, said, â
€Å“When the nurse came, she injected Esther and tried to
give her the second injection when my daughter started
convulsing. She went ahead and injected her again”
The visibly traumatized mother told the police that before
the anti-malaria injection was given to her daughter, Esther
was weak owing to her inability to eat . According to her, â
€Å“ I gave her a bottle of soft drink before she took the
injection .
But after the second injection, my daughter became cold
and I gave her tea to drink but there was no improvement.
At a point, I noticed she was stiff and I rushed to call the
nurse. When she came, she said my daughter needed to
take a drip and that it will cost  N1,000.  However, IÂ
became apprehensive when she informed me that she could
no longer treat my daughter and that I should take her to the
Esther as gathered, was rushed to Popoola Hospital where
she was said to have been referred to another hospital.
Unknown to the widow, her daughter was rejected because
she was already dead. It was gathered that it was in the
process of taking her daughter to another hospital that
she  noticed she had given up the ghost. Looking dejected
and confused, sympathizers quickly collected the remains
of her daughter from her and took it back home.
Killer nurse flee home
The news of her demise as gathered, spread to the vicinity
before the widow̢۪s arrival, where the nurse was said to
have shut her shop and fled, apparently to avoid being
lynched by mob, following claims that her injection
allegedly sent Esther to death.
Weeping, Esther’s mother further lamented â€Å“ Esther
was a brilliant girl. A girl I was looking forward to her
becoming great in life. I struggled to ensure she went to
school so that her father’s family members  would not
say I refused to send her to school. Her thought will forever
linger in my memory”.
The arrest
Meanwhile, the intention to evade police arrest did not last
for long as Mrs Adeoye was later arrested by the Police in
her hideout. She was said to be briefing detectives at
the Homicide section of the State Criminal Investigation
Department (SCID), from where detectives said she would
be charged to court if found culpable.   However, the
remains of Esther has been deposited at the Isolo General
Hospital’s mortuary for autopsy.

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